Apr 4, 2018

Your harsh words

When your words are insincere
It's boring like a night sky with no stars
It's toneless like a flower with no petal
It's lonely like a tree with fallen leaves
It's useless like a house with no roof
It's troublesome like a mobile with cracked screen
It's pathetic like having a Benz with no break
It's scary like a silent sea
It's messy like a meaningless poem
It's clumsy like a bloomless Spring
It's ridiculous like filling a bottomless pot
It's passive like a frozen waterfall
It's empty like a dried out pond
It's pointless like a phone without a sim

April 3, 2018


How my code threats me

My code was working, but my results were not accurate, I was not satisfied. You would say I am a perfectionist here I am... A friend of mine...