Apr 17, 2018

The little girl

Who thought a tiny little person
Can shake me, like this

I never knew
This little girl
That I have personally met only twice
In my whole life
Will be so close to me

I thought that only me
No, I was wrong
She was longing for me too
I never thought that's possible
But, at the end
She is filling in my heart
Like her big sisters

Her behavior is so much alike
To her first sis 
Only words 
From her tiny mouth
"Come home"
"Come home"
Every time
When she was on phone.

She was my tail
When I was at home.

This girl is more social 
Coz, two sises 
She is keen, lively and soft
But, no difference  
I was waiting and waiting 
And waiting...
Her tiny mouth mimic smoothly
"Well, you better come our home"
It's a mixed feeling
I love it but pathetic
I am far away...

She is adorable 
That's why I call her

You only three
Whose is the third girl
And, I am only your aunt
But, you are my own

April 15, 2018


  1. It's a long story Ian. At the time I was doing my BSc my brother got married and had a daughter. We named her as Dinidi Nimesha. As my place is in a quite isolated place, I am the only one she had to play. She always wanted me to be around. But, I could only be in home for some weekends. Whenever, I called her, 'Aunt, come home' were her only words no matter what I asked. When I was home, she was with me whole day. Later on, they had another daughter and we could find a name which matches to her sister's. She is 'Dilini Nihinsa'. However, when she was little, she was not close to me as much as her sister since she has a sister and I got married. Time passes and I came to Australia. While I am here my brother had another girl. My brother wanted to be consistent in naming his daughters which the first name starts with 'Di' and the middle name starts with 'Ni'. However, I didn't like the idea, as it add a further difficulty addressing them. But, she is his daughter and he named her as he wanted. Anyway, at the first time I met her, she was only one years old and she was not friendly with me at all. As a result I was not able to baby-sit her. However, as she grow, she started talking with me every time my mother Skyped. She was more social because of her big sisters. Last December was the second time I met her and was very very close with me.I never anticipated it, because I though she will be even less close to me from my experience. However, that was not the case, and she was incredibly close with me. One day she wanted to call me, actually that when the social medias were banded in Sri Lanka. She wanted to call me so badly and she was asking my family members to make a call. However, they had their issues and they could not make that call. But she was constantly nagging them. Finally, they called me next day. I was so amazed to hear it. I couldn't believe it. She is only three years and her feelings for me were so powerful. She was capable of getting what sh want. I love her. I love her a lot. She was not asking me to come home yet. But, I knew sooner or later she is going to ask it. At one point she said 'ithin oya ape gedara ennako'. I don't know how to say it English, may be 'Well, you better come home'. The name I gave her at the first place is Amanda. I first call her Amanda, but later I changed it into Amandina. This is the most suitable name for her as she is adorable. Amanda is a Latin name with the meaning of 'deserved to be loved'. I want to write about her by showing my love. This poem is mainly about her and then about her sisters.


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