Jul 1, 2018

You didn't

The warmth of my long white dress
Blew to the blank sky with a tress
The flow of clouds as white as snow
Changed its form row in a row  

An empty can was rolling down 
On the icy road behind the lawn
The endless wind made me freeze 
You didn't feel the fresh cold breeze...

Live, dead and some half-dead
Greener veins and the rest was red
Yellow, orange, pink and purple
Yellow again and a tree of maple

Along the streets, throughout the hills
Fallen colors gave me thrills
It was a heaven over eaves
You didn't see the colors of leaves...

Securely concealed dormant buds
Swelled in warm as floral buds 
Leaves or flowers, first or next
Spread all over, in their best

Flowery fragrance mixed soft air
Brought a delicacy of good care 
It was elegant with nice posies
You didn't smell the scent of roses...

The water of tears in layers of blue 
From ocean green to Pacific blue
No single cloud, the sky was blue
A warm wind was blowing through

My plain gown was fluttering round
Two little terns were dancing around
It was full of the sound of raves
You did hear the singing of waves...

July 1, 2018

I can enjoy this poem in six different ways. Can you enjoy it even more ways?

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