Apr 17, 2018

The little girl

Who thought a tiny little person
Can shake me, like this

I never knew
This little girl
That I have personally met only twice
In my whole life
Will be so close to me

I thought that only me
No, I was wrong
She was longing for me too
I never thought that's possible
But, at the end
She is filling in my heart
Like her big sisters

Her behavior is so much alike
To her first sis 
Only words 
From her tiny mouth
"Come home"
"Come home"
Every time
When she was on phone.

She was my tail
When I was at home.

This girl is more social 
Coz, two sises 
She is keen, lively and soft
But, no difference  
I was waiting and waiting 
And waiting...
Her tiny mouth mimic smoothly
"Well, you better come our home"
It's a mixed feeling
I love it but pathetic
I am far away...

She is adorable 
That's why I call her

You only three
Whose is the third girl
And, I am only your aunt
But, you are my own

April 15, 2018

Apr 15, 2018

Love... Loan...

Love also
A loan...
Until receive...
To give back...
As time passes...
With no words...

Took from Hansa Sithiwili, and translated into English

Apr 10, 2018

Not the worst

I am really busy
     But am I busy as a doctor?
My life is tough
     But is it tougher than a soldier's?
My life is chaos
     But is it chaotic as a drifter's?
I am struggling
     But am I struggling as a refugee?
I am exhausted
     But am I exhausted as a patient?
It's so boring
     But is it boring as a villain's?
I am lonely
     But am I lonelier than an orphan?

April 10, 2018

Apr 4, 2018

Your harsh words

When your words are insincere
It's boring like a night sky with no stars
It's toneless like a flower with no petal
It's lonely like a tree with fallen leaves
It's useless like a house with no roof
It's troublesome like a mobile with cracked screen
It's pathetic like having a Benz with no break
It's scary like a silent sea
It's messy like a meaningless poem
It's clumsy like a bloomless Spring
It's ridiculous like filling a bottomless pot
It's passive like a frozen waterfall
It's empty like a dried out pond
It's pointless like a phone without a sim

April 3, 2018

Apr 1, 2018


Fairy new prone
Origin unknown
Beginning not clear
But, it was there for sure

Grow like a flower
And has it own power
Spread like weeds
With a high speed

No way to escape
Rather admit the shape

No need to be sad
It doesn't look bad
Simple, nice and glad
Things getting add

Moments are cozy
Like a fresh poesy
So much caring for
Like never before

This strong feeling
No way of concealing
Should it disclosing 
Or make it closing

Day and night
It's a long fight
Earlier it was full
Now it's all dull

Time of leaving
Endless grieving
In all morning
I am in mourning 

It was brighter
Now it's darker
Which was rosy
Now all prosy

Throughout the day
Deeming a way
To throw the pain away
And to be okay

Can't go on
Time to move on
In this dawn
It's all gone

March 31, 2018

How my code threats me

My code was working, but my results were not accurate, I was not satisfied. You would say I am a perfectionist here I am... A friend of mine...